Funding Resources for Upper Austrian Aerospace Researchers
This page is designed as a resource for researchers from Upper Austria. Here you can find the different funding agencies pages where calls will be published. Also on this page are opportunities for mobility funding, both incoming and outgoing, funding for training young researchers, and fellowship and scholarship opportunities for PhD and graduate students from Upper Austria who want to study in the other RLS regions.
Multilateral Funding
Horizon Europe | European Union
Horizon Europe | European Union
Deadline: various, dependent on the specific call Horizon Europe is the EU’s key funding programme for research and innovation with a budget of €95.5 billion. It tackles climate change, helps to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and boosts the EU’s competitiveness and growth. The programme facilitates collaboration and strengthens the impact of research and innovation in developing, supporting and implementing EU policies while tackling global challenges. It supports creating and better dispersing of excellent knowledge and technologies. It creates jobs, fully engages the EU’s talent pool, boosts economic growth, promotes industrial competitiveness and optimises investment impact within a strengthened European Research Area. In RLS-Sciences, researchers from Bavaria and Upper Austria are always eligible to receive funding. In Pillar II, researchers from Bavaria, Québec, Upper Austria, and Western Cape are eligible to receive funding. In Pillar II, São Paulo researchers can receive funding from FAPESP if they are a co-PI. Partners from Georgia or Shandong can participate in Horizon Europe either by providing a unique competence that cannot be found in the EU, or through bilateral agreements between their home countries and the European Union. Participation via own funding is always possible. Visit the Horizon Europe website here. |
European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) | European Union
European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) | European Union
Deadline: 21 October, 2025 at 12:00 CEST (noon) Value: funding is for four years and is dependent upon proposal, please see website for further information. Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) is a funding organisation for the creation of research networks, called COST Actions. These networks offer an open space for collaboration among scientists across Europe (and beyond, including South Africa) and thereby give impetus to research advancements and innovation. COST is bottom up, this means that researchers can create a network – based on their own research interests and ideas – by submitting a proposal to the COST Open Call. The proposal can be in any science field. COST Actions are highly interdisciplinary and open. It is possible to join ongoing Actions, which therefore keep expanding over the funding period of four years. They are multi-stakeholder, often involving the private sector, policymakers as well as civil society. In order to achieve its mission, COST has identified three strategic priorities: promoting and spreading excellence, fostering interdisciplinary research for breakthrough science and empowering and retaining young researchers and innovators. COST implements its mission by funding bottom-up, excellence-driven, open and inclusive networks for peaceful purposes in all areas of science and technology. COST brings together European researchers and innovators from different COST countries to jointly develop their own ideas and new initiatives across all science and technology fields through trans-European cooperation. COST encourages and fosters trans-, multi-and interdisciplinary approaches by integrating researchers and innovators from different fields and horizons such as universities, research centers, companies, in particular small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as other relevant actors. COST does not fund research itself, but supports networking via different tools such as meetings, short term scientific missions, training schools and dissemination activities part of COST Actions. COST invites proposals for Actions aiming at contributing to the scientific, technological, economic, cultural or societal knowledge advancement and development of Europe to close the gap between science, policy makers and society throughout Europe and beyond. Proposals should reflect the main characteristics of COST Actions, namely providing for knowledge sharing, creation and application, being open and output-oriented while aiming at strengthening the scientific and technological basis of the proposed topic(s). Proposals should also respond to the COST Excellence and Inclusiveness policy, which aims to provide collaboration opportunities to all researchers and innovators in COST countries, encourage participation among young talents and next generation leaders, in particular promoting working opportunities for early career investigators, and ensure gender balance, paving the way towards breakthrough developments and innovations. Proposals will be evaluated against criteria of S&T excellence, networking excellence, impact and implementation. COST Program website. |
Collective Research Networking (CORNET) Call for Proposals | BMWK, EMBRAPII, FFG (Closed)
Collective Research Networking (CORNET) Call for Proposals | Upper Austrian Research Agency
Deadline: Please note this call is currently closed, but is expected to reopen in March Value: depending on CORNET partner (funding organization) CORNET (Collective Research Networking) connects various national programs of pre-competitive joint industrial research worldwide for the benefit of small and medium-sized enterprises. Consortia of business associations and research institutions from at least two participating countries or regions and from all industries and technology fields can submit applications for joint research projects. Submitted proposals should address Collective Research (pre-competitive, serving the need of a wide grouping of companies and ensuring knowledge transfer/dissemination) and are not bound to a specific thematic focus. Funding is allocated according to the rules of the involved national/regional programs. Projects are funded by a grant to the project budget. They should have a maximum duration of 24 months. The following RLS regions would be eligible in the call for proposals: Upper Austria (FFG – Austrian Research Promotion Agency), São Paulo (EMBRAPII), and Bavaria (BMWK). Review the call here. |
Deadline: 13 March, 2025 Value: dependent per stream and per country- please see the call for specifics Eurostars is a funding instrument that supports innovative SMEs and project partners (large companies, universities, research organisations and other types of organisations) by funding international collaborative R&D and innovation projects. By participating, organisations from 37 countries (eligible RLS-Sciences regions include Bavaria, Québec, Upper Austria, and Western Cape) can access public funding for international collaborative R&D projects in all fields.
Call page here. |
M-ERA.NET JOINT CALL 2022 │ ERA.NET with PRIMA Québec, FAPESP, FFG, and DSI (Closed)
(Please note this call is now closed) Value: dependent on national funding agency- please see website for further details M-ERA.NET is a network of public funding organisations supporting and increasing coordination and convergence of national and regional funding programmes on research and innovation related to materials and battery technologies to support the European Green Deal. The aim of the joint call 2021 is to fund ambitious transnational RTD projects addressing materials research and innovation including materials for low carbon energy technologies, future batteries technology and related production technologies. M-ERA.NET aims to strengthen the contribution of materials R&D to energy-related applications where applicable. The Call 2022 includes the following thematic areas:
The RLS regions eligible for this call include Québec, Sao Paulo, and Upper Austria. Programme website |
DFG Scientific Networks │ DFG
DFG Scientific Networks │ German Research Foundation
Deadline: Open Value: up to three years, covering travel and maintenance costs for work meetings of network members and for thematically relevant guests, as well as coordination costs and publication costs The aim of the program is to promote multi-year scientific exchange and cooperation on a topic area of choice across locations. Scientific networks offer researchers at all career stages the opportunity to engage in multi-year scientific exchange and cooperation on a topic area of their choice across locations, with the aim of achieving a specific outcome. The network must aim for a specific outcome, e.g. the preparation of joint research papers, a joint publication, impetus for the further development of research methods. Scientific networks may be used: - To promote national and international networking between researchers at an early stage of their careers. Supporting early career researchers is especially important to the DFG. - To promote networking between researchers who want to work on new interdisciplinary or strategic research questions in a results-focused approach and require a flexible organisational framework in which to do so. - To promote networking between researchers who want to address topic areas of a strategic nature where the exchange of ideas at international level appear to be particularly productive. A scientific network consists of a set group of 10 to 20 people, which may also include researchers working abroad. Since the objective is to promote the development of networks across locations, within Germany as well as internationally, members must not all belong to the same research institution; no more than half of the members may be based in research systems outside Germany. Program website. |
Austrian Space Applications Programme │ FFG
Austrian Space Applications Program 2025 │ FFG
Deadline: 10 April, 2025 Value: dependent on the funding line; approximately 12,850,000 euros are available for the current call. Around 2,100,000 euros of this is allocated to the lead project, a flagship initiative between the topics of climate-neutral cities and space. The FFG “ASAP” call aims at astrophysics, astronomy, space situational awareness, Near-Earth Objects, space surveillance technologies, micro gravitation studies and geophysics. Accompanying research proposals such on bed-rest have a medium priority. Funding of non-Austrian organizations is possible in the funding lines “cooperative research and technology projects” and “exploration studies” (each max. 36 months). Priority 1: Technologies for space travel
Priority 2: Space research and science
Priority 3: Space applications
Focus 3.2: R&D service 2
Focus 3.3: Flagship initiative between the topics of space and climate-neutral cities
View the call website here. |
Bilateral Funding
Proposal Submission with European Cooperation Partners (Weave Lead Agency Process) │ DFG and FWF
Proposal Submission with European Cooperation Partners (Weave Lead Agency Process) │ German Research Foundation and Austrian Science Fund
Deadline: open Value: dependent upon the proposal- funding for up to a max. 36 months Weave aims at cooperative projects with closely integrated content, to which partners from all countries involved contribute scientifically in a substantial way. Proposals for bilateral and trilateral research projects with parts of the research conducted in Germany and in partner countries (with whose funding organisations the DFG cooperates in the context of Weave) are submitted to the Lead Agency in one of the partner countries. If a project is approved, the different shares of the project are funded by the respective funding organisations in charge. The projects must compete with proposals submitted nationally. Research projects must therefore feature a high degree of scientific quality and originality at an internationally competitive level. Researchers of all disciplines from German research institutions who have completed research training (usually a doctorate) and their partners from other European countries, who must be eligible to apply for funding from the respective funding organisation in their country. Not eligible for applying for a research grant from the DFG are: Members of organisations that are dedicated solely to commercial purposes; members of organisations that are not permitted to publish their results in a publicly accessible form. FWF WEAVE website. |
Unilateral Funding
Beyond Europe | FFG (CLosed)
Beyond Europe | Austrian Research Promotion Agency
(Please note this call is currently closed) Value: Exploratory projects aimed at preparing research, development and innovation projects are funded with up to EUR 200,000 for the length of one year. In collaborative projects: EUR 100,000 - EUR 500,000 per project, with a maximum duration of three years “Beyond Europe” is a programme of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy supporting Austrian companies and research institutions to create and extend research collaborations with partners outside Europe. In order to develop competitive technologies, they should enhance their inter-national networking and benefit from the presence in emerging regions. “Beyond Europe” grants funding for exploratory and cooperative projects of Austrian companies, research institutes, universities and other organizations. The funding is available for projects in all technical disciplines, open to all thematic fields. All applications must be submitted by an Austrian company. Cooperative research and develop-ment projects must involve at least one “Beyond Europe” partner. Exploratory projects aimed at preparing research, development and innovation projects are funded with up to EUR 200,000 for the length of one year. In collaborative projects, several consortium partners work jointly on defined goals. These can be funded from EUR 100,000 up to EUR 500,000 per project, with a maximum duration of three years. Project partners should generally bear their own costs. To a limited extent, "Beyond Europe"partners may receive direct funding from the programme budget, depending on the respective funding instrument. Program website. |
TAKE OFF – CALL 2021 │ BMK (Closed)
TAKE OFF – CALL 2021 │ Austrian Federal Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology
(Please note this call is now closed) Value: depending on the project type: exploratory projects receive max. 200.000€ with a funding rate of max. 80%; cooperative research and development projects receive between 100.000€ and 2€ million with a funding of max. 85% The 2021 Take Off call is placing a special focus on climate protection, sustainability, decarbonization, strengthening of the business location, system capability, economic recovery after the COVID-19 crisis, and user friendliness. Projects should also contribute to the goals of the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs).The project must focus on one or more of the priority areas:
Link to call. |
Incoming Mobility: Researchers
Bringing RLS-Sciences researchers to Upper Austria
São Paulo Researchers in International Cooperation (SPRINT) | FAPESP
São Paulo Researchers in International Cooperation (SPRINT) | São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP)
Deadline: 24 February, 2025 Value: dependent on proposal, please see below The objective of the SPRINT programme is to promote the engagement of researchers affiliated to institutions of higher education and research in the State of São Paulo in partnership with researchers abroad in order to: 1) further develop qualitatively the ongoing research projects; and 2) work cooperatively aiming at the elaboration of joint research projects of medium and long term, for submission to FAPESP, by researchers from the State of São Paulo, and to the research funding agencies in the countries of corresponding partners, by their colleagues. SPRINT provides funding for the initial phase of international research collaborations with clear expectations that the next phase will be a presentation, by the researchers from the State of São Paulo, of research proposals in the regular funding lines of FAPESP aiming to continue the research started under SPRINT and the consequently consolidation of the partnership. Foreign partners must provide their own funding through the appropriate partner agencies. Selected projects must last between 12 and 24 months. Joint petitioners should submit their proposals in both countries, using the appropriate forms supplied by the respective agencies. Each proposal will initially be analyzed by the agency in the country of its origin. From now on, in the next calls, partner researchers from any foreign institution can evidence travel resources from their own university or grants awarded by a research funding agency. Thus, it is not necessary that teams neither institutions have an agreement with FAPESP to collaborate. Besides that, interested foreign research institutions might create conditions for receiving proposals in collaboration and funding their teams on scientific missions to research institutions in the state of São Paulo. As a result it is expected that simplifying the flexibility in establishment of collaborations, the qualitative advance in ongoing research projects is promoted and, also, that partner researchers work cooperatively aiming to develop medium and long-term joint research projects. SPRINT mobility grants fund travel and board of research teams over periods up to 2 years and are meant to promote the engagement of researchers linked to higher education and research institutions in the State of São Paulo with partner researchers abroad. FAPESP’s SPRINT calls aim to allow more convenient planning of the submission of proposals for mobility (seed funding) grants. Three calls will be opened annually, with submission deadlines on the last Monday of February, June and October. Review the SPRINT program webpage here. |
Incoming Mobility: Students
Bringing RLS-Sciences students to Upper Austria
Programme to Increase the Mobility of German Students | DAAD (Closed)
Programme to Increase the Mobility of German Students | German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Deadline: please note this call is currently closed, but reopens annually with a summer deadline Value: please see below This program provides stipends for visits abroad for a period of up to six months allowing for an increase in the mobility of German students, including doctoral candidates. This provides higher education institutes with the opportunity to prioritize international mobility of their students and to offer them a variety of mobility measures with fitting funding instruments. This program should also offer students the opportunity for a stay abroad which is outside of the framework of the structured DAAD funding programs. During the period from January 1 - December 31 of the year following the application activities worldwide may be funded in the form of partial stipends (for study abroad), support for travel costs (for study tours), course fees and subsidies towards tuition and costs of living for:
The institutes can apply for a one-time lump sum supervision grant of € 250 per supported scholar; the total of the supervision grants is not to exceed ten percent of the total funding. Programme Website. |
Graduate Research Opportunities Worldwide (GROW) | NSF and FWF (Closed)
Graduate Research Opportunities Worldwide (GROW) | National Research Foundation (USA) and FWF (Austria)
(Please note this call is now closed) Value: $5000 USD, for four to twelve months Note: this opportunity is for students from Georgia to go to Upper Austria GROW provides NSF Graduate Research Fellows (referred to as "Fellows") with opportunities to engage in international collaborations with investigators in partner countries around the world. Through GROW, Fellows benefit from partnerships developed by NSF with counterpart funding organizations in other countries, including FWF in Austria and CAPES in Brazil. Eligibility: GROW is open to active Fellows (both "on tenure" and "on reserve") who have completed at least one year of their graduate program at the time of application and will retain their active status for at least 12 months following the application submission deadline. They must be certified by the GRFP Institution to be making satisfactory progress towards their degrees and have fulfilled all GRFP reporting requirements. General Program website. |
International Internships Programme| FRQ-NT (Closed)
International Internships Programme| Fonds de recherche du Québec- Nature et technologies
(Please note this call is currently closed) Value: The scholarship is an allowance of $ 2,500 CAD per month. The maximum value of a scholarship or both of the scholarships is $ 15,000 CAD. Duration: 2 to 6 months *Please note, that only Québec students may apply to do an internship in Upper Austria The FRQNT's (Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies) international internship aims to foster international mobility of students whose research activities are part of the scientific program of a strategic cluster funded by the FRQNT. The internship is a supplementary tool available to a strategic cluster to strengthen its position at the international level through research projects and partnerships that have already been established or which are under development. Applicants The international internship is intended for Master's or doctoral students enrolled full-time in a Quebec university or in an university outside Québec who meets the requirements of their program. The proposed research outlined in the application as part of the internship must be part of the scientific program of the strategic cluster. In a first step, the strategic cluster recommends a candidate and then the candidate can apply for the scholarship. Find the list of Strategic Clusters here. Eligibility conditions All of the strategic clusters supported by the FRQNT may submit an application to this program. The applicant proposed by the strategic cluster must meet all of the eligibility requirements listed here after. For full-time students enrolled in a Québec university: The applicant must have Canadian citizenship, permanent resident status in Canada, or foreign student status with a valid study permit to study in Quebec. For foreign students enrolled in an university outside Québec: The applicant must have valid study permits or visas for the entire duration of the internship. The applicant can't be enrolled in a co-degree from more than one institution including a Québec university. For the students enrolled in a co-degree see the rules of the Frontenac program. Location of the internship: The internship must take place outside Quebec for students enrolled in a Quebec university. The internship must occur in Quebec for students from abroad. Start date of the internship: The internship must start no later than September 30th, 2020. Restrictions: Students who are jointly supervised by a researcher in a foreign university (co-degree) are not eligible to apply for an international internship scholarship to visit one of their home universities Application process Candidates interested within this program must file their application within their strategic cluster (see list on FRQNT's Web Site) Validate the list of documents required for this application with the specific strategic cluster. The strategic clusters which recommend a candidate must fill the specific form available on FRQNT's Web site as well as transmit it electronically. The form includes the complete addresses of the student, the academic supervisor, and the internship supervisor. A brief description of the nature of the internship is also required. The strategic clusters must also submit the selection committee report that states the results for each of the three criteria in effect, the assessment process and the names of the committee members. This report should briefly explain the efforts taken to ensure a fair and inclusive selection process, thus fostering the support of diversified interns. The strategic clusters must also send in the electronic form, a letter signed by the supervisor of the student specifying the start and end dates of the internship. Any internship application must be filed by the strategic cluster and approved by the FRQNT before the leaving of the trainee. Limited number of applications Each strategic cluster may generally submit up to two applications until the contest deadline. In no case should the total financial assistance of the two candidates exceed the total amount of $ 15,000. This limit can be re-examined and increased at all time until the contest deadline. Each strategic cluster can propose the application one foreign students enrolled outside Québec maximum, so they can pursue their internship within the strategic cluster in Québec The rules are the same for evaluating the candidate, the duration of his or hers internships and the value of the scholarship apply. The application of a foreign student enrolled outside Québec doesn't modify the total limit of two candidates and the total amount of 15 000$ per cluster. Learn more here. |
Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships Program | Government of Canada Tri-Agency Program (Closed)
Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships Program | Government of Canada Tri-Agency Program
Deadline: Please note this call is currently closed, but reopens annually with an autumn deadline Value: $70,000 per year The Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships program provides funding to postdoctoral national and international applicants who will positively contribute to the country’s economic, social and research-based growth. Eligible for application are both Canadian and foreign citizens in three areas of research (Health research, Natural sciences and/or engineering, Social sciences and/or humanities). Eligibility criteria apply to both candidates and host institutions and can be found on the program website. Important:
Visit the website here. |
Globalink Research Award | Mitacs
Globalink Research Award | Mitacs
Deadline: open- Applicants (student or postdoctoral fellow, home and host supervisors) submit their application to Mitacs 16 weeks prior to the project start date for processing. Value: $6,000 CAD for 12-24 weeks Please note: only Québec students may apply for research projects in Upper Austria The Mitacs Globalink Research Award (GRA) supports research collaborations between Canada and select partner organizations and eligible countries and regions (in RLS-Sciences this includes Bavaria and Upper Austria via the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) RISE program). Under the joint supervision of a home and host professor, successful senior undergraduate students, graduate students, as well as postdoctoral fellows will receive a $6,000 research award to conduct a 12- to 24-week research project in the other country. Awards are offered in partnership with Mitacs’s Canadian academic partners (and, in some cases, with Mitacs’s international partners) and are subject to available funding. Program website. |
Outgoing Mobility: Researchers
Support for Upper Austrian researchers to go abroad
Gastdozentenprogramm | DAAD (Closed)
Gastdozentenprogramm | German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Deadline: please note this call is currently closed, but reopens annually with a summer deadline Value: dependent on salary and length of stay- please see below The Foreign Guest Lecturer Program ("Förderung ausländischer Gastdozenten zu Lehrtätigkeiten an deutschen Hochschulen") serves to enhance the internationalization of the German higher education institutes and improve the international dimension of teaching. The two models of this program differentiate between an agreement with an individual guest lecturer or with a Visiting Chair which contributes guest lectures on a consecutive basis. The cooperation should result in the internationalization of courses and, in the case of a Visiting Chair, more structural measures for sustainable internationalization, which could be embedded in the development of a study program. The teaching commitment should approach but is not required to be the equivalent of a standard lecturer position at a German university. A financial contribution by the higher education institution to the salary of the guest lecturer is preconditioned. Additional financial support will be considered positively during the selection process. The remaining will be funded by DAAD. In addition, mobility support and funding towards conference participation is available. The salary for professors in Bavaria can be found in category W of the standardized tables for the public service. Find further information or apply here. |
São Paulo Researchers in International Cooperation (SPRINT) | FAPESP
São Paulo Researchers in International Cooperation (SPRINT) | São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP)
Deadline: 24 February, 2025 Value: dependent on proposal, please see below The objective of the SPRINT programme is to promote the engagement of researchers affiliated to institutions of higher education and research in the State of São Paulo in partnership with researchers abroad in order to: 1) further develop qualitatively the ongoing research projects; and 2) work cooperatively aiming at the elaboration of joint research projects of medium and long term, for submission to FAPESP, by researchers from the State of São Paulo, and to the research funding agencies in the countries of corresponding partners, by their colleagues. SPRINT provides funding for the initial phase of international research collaborations with clear expectations that the next phase will be a presentation, by the researchers from the State of São Paulo, of research proposals in the regular funding lines of FAPESP aiming to continue the research started under SPRINT and the consequently consolidation of the partnership. Foreign partners must provide their own funding through the appropriate partner agencies. Selected projects must last between 12 and 24 months. Joint petitioners should submit their proposals in both countries, using the appropriate forms supplied by the respective agencies. Each proposal will initially be analyzed by the agency in the country of its origin. From now on, in the next calls, partner researchers from any foreign institution can evidence travel resources from their own university or grants awarded by a research funding agency. Thus, it is not necessary that teams neither institutions have an agreement with FAPESP to collaborate. Besides that, interested foreign research institutions might create conditions for receiving proposals in collaboration and funding their teams on scientific missions to research institutions in the state of São Paulo. As a result it is expected that simplifying the flexibility in establishment of collaborations, the qualitative advance in ongoing research projects is promoted and, also, that partner researchers work cooperatively aiming to develop medium and long-term joint research projects. SPRINT mobility grants fund travel and board of research teams over periods up to 2 years and are meant to promote the engagement of researchers linked to higher education and research institutions in the State of São Paulo with partner researchers abroad. FAPESP’s SPRINT calls aim to allow more convenient planning of the submission of proposals for mobility (seed funding) grants. Three calls will be opened annually, with submission deadlines on the last Monday of February, June and October. Review the SPRINT program webpage here. |
Visiting Researcher Program | FAPESP
Visiting Researcher Program | São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP)
Ongoing Call Value: for visits less than 30 days, please see this table; for visits longer than 30 days, please see this table The Visiting Researcher Program offers full or partial support for the hosting of experienced investigators, associated with foreign research institutions, who will work in a research institution in the State of São Paulo for a period from 2 weeks to a maximum (non-extendable) period of 12 months. The visiting researcher must hold PhD degree and have an outstanding record of scientific accomplishments. This program aims to promote collaboration between investigators in the State of São Paulo and their colleagues abroad for the development of ongoing research projects or for assisting the launching of new collaborations. Funds cannot be used for the development of a research project, but joint research efforts conducted by the Visiting Researcher and their host may enhance a proposal. When the duration of the visit is less than 1 month, the maintenance will be supported in the form of per diem payments for the visitor to the threshold value of the monthly maintenance defined by FAPESP based on the visitor's curriculum. The aid does not include the payment of management fees. When the duration of the visit is more than 30 days, the monthly maintenance for the visitor will be supported in the form of aid Visiting Researcher with value defined by FAPESP based on the visitor's curriculum and other characteristics of the submitted proposal. Visit the webpage here. (Português) |
Outgoing Mobility: Students
Support for Upper Austrian students to go abroad
Stipend and Support Program for International PhD Candidates and PostDocs | DAAD (Closed)
Stipend and Support Program for International PhD Candidates and PostDocs | German Federal Foreign Office and German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
(Please note this call is currently closed) Value: Up to € 25,000 per university per year, for a maximum of three years The Stipend and Support Program for International Doctoral Candidates and PostDocs / "Stipendien- und Betreuungsprogramm für ausländische Doktoranden und Postdoktoranden" (STIBET Doktoranden), which is funded by the Federal Foreign Office, aims to support the development of tailored measures which are to be integrated within a supervision concept. The funding for teaching and research assistants aims to integrate the international doctoral candidates and young researchers in the German institute of higher education and to gain teaching and research experience. The funding for support and supervision for STIBET Scholars aims to provide general and subject-related support for doctoral candidates and postdoctoral fellows. This funding is to be used to contribute to the orientation of the foreigners within their studies, at the university and at the location; to the subject-related supervision of their studies or research stay; to inform them about Germany; to bring them in contact with the members of the university and German residents; to exchange ideas about their home countries; and to prepare them to return to their home countries. Additionally, there are multiple scholarships available to the international doctoral candidates attending the German university. The scholarship funding is to be used towards the following goals:
Programme Website. |
Study Visits / Seminars for Groups of Foreign Students to Germany | DAAD
Study Visits / Seminars for Groups of Foreign Students to Germany | German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Call open three times annually: 1 February for travel from 1 June; 1 May for travel from 1 September; and 1 November for travel from 1 March Value: 50€ per day per participant, plus other costs (please see below); funding available for a maximum of 12 days The DAAD funds Study Visits and Study Seminars and Practicals in the Federal Republic of Germany, financed by the Federal Foreign Office, for groups of foreign students under the direction of university teachers. The main goals of the programme are: • to establish and cultivate contacts between German and foreign universities, • to impart subject-related knowledge by arranging corresponding visits at not less than two German universities, subject-related tours and information meetings (Study Visits) respectively by organising subject-related seminars and practicals in the field of higher education (e.g. specialist courses, block seminars, workshops) at the invitation of a German university which is then also responsible for arranging seminars and practicals in academia, business and industry and, possibly, in public institutions (Study Seminars and Practicals), • to encourage subject-specific contact with German students and researchers, • to enable foreign students to gain a better understanding of economic, political and cultural life in Germany. Preferable are subject-related activities. This part of the visit must not make up more than one third of the stay. Applications are open to university teachers from public and state-recognised German universities (Study Seminars and Practicals) or from foreign universities (Study Visits). Annual funding for applicants, departments or institutes is not possible. A maximum of one application every second calendar year can be considered per department, institute and applicant. Funding can be provided for Study Visits and Study Seminars and Practicals of students who are enrolled in their second semester or higher in a degree programme at a foreign university and who travel under the guidance and direction of a university teacher. 1. Study Visits A) Lump sum-financed for groups from EU countries, Canada, and the United States: The trip must be independently organised and carried out by the group respectively by the university teacher who submitted the application. The DAAD pays a lump sum of 50 euros per person and day. B) Organised by the DAAD for groups from other countries: The DAAD plans the programme design. Wishes and preferences stated in the programme description and in the schedule will, as far as possible, be taken into consideration. However, it is likely that cuts or changes will be made to the programme due to decisions reached by the selection committee. The DAAD provides a travel guide fluent in the agreed group language who is responsible for the smooth running of and compliance with the programme drawn up by DAAD Head Office. The DAAD pays the subsistence costs (meals and accommodation) for the group (including for the group leader) during the funded period. 2. Study Seminars and Practicals (applies to groups from worldwide) The DAAD grant is provided in the form of project funding through payment of a flat-rate sum of 50 euros per participant and day in order to subsidise the group’s travel and subsistence costs. Groups must be made up of at least 10 participants and must not, as a rule exceed 15 persons. One university teacher has to accompany the group and may additionally be funded. Study Visits and Study Seminars and Practicals should last no less than 7 days. Funding is available for a maximum of 12 days (including travel days), although the stays may last longer. The DAAD does not pay any international travel costs, but does take out health, accident and public/private liability insurance for each funded group. Programme Website. |
International Internships Programme | FRQ-NT (Closed)
International Internships Programme | Fonds de recherche du Québec- Nature et technologies
(Please note this call is currently closed) Value: The scholarship is an allowance of $ 2,500 CAD per month. The maximum value of a scholarship or both of the scholarships is $ 15,000 CAD. Duration: 2 to 6 months *Please note, that Upper Austrian students must complete their internships in Québec The FRQNT's (Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies) international internship aims to foster international mobility of students whose research activities are part of the scientific program of a strategic cluster funded by the FRQNT. The internship is a supplementary tool available to a strategic cluster to strengthen its position at the international level through research projects and partnerships that have already been established or which are under development. Applicants The international internship is intended for Master's or doctoral students enrolled full-time in a Quebec university or in an university outside Québec who meets the requirements of their program. The proposed research outlined in the application as part of the internship must be part of the scientific program of the strategic cluster. In a first step, the strategic cluster recommends a candidate and then the candidate can apply for the scholarship. Find the list of Strategic Clusters here. Eligibility conditions All of the strategic clusters supported by the FRQNT may submit an application to this program. The applicant proposed by the strategic cluster must meet all of the eligibility requirements listed here after. For full-time students enrolled in a Québec university: The applicant must have Canadian citizenship, permanent resident status in Canada, or foreign student status with a valid study permit to study in Quebec. For foreign students enrolled in an university outside Québec: The applicant must have valid study permits or visas for the entire duration of the internship. The applicant can't be enrolled in a co-degree from more than one institution including a Québec university. For the students enrolled in a co-degree see the rules of the Frontenac program. Location of the internship: The internship must take place outside Quebec for students enrolled in a Quebec university. The internship must occur in Quebec for students from abroad. Start date of the internship: The internship must start no later than September 30th, 2020. Restrictions: Students who are jointly supervised by a researcher in a foreign university (co-degree) are not eligible to apply for an international internship scholarship to visit one of their home universities Application process Candidates interested within this program must file their application within their strategic cluster (see list on FRQNT's Web Site) Validate the list of documents required for this application with the specific strategic cluster. The strategic clusters which recommend a candidate must fill the specific form available on FRQNT's Web site as well as transmit it electronically. The form includes the complete addresses of the student, the academic supervisor, and the internship supervisor. A brief description of the nature of the internship is also required. The strategic clusters must also submit the selection committee report that states the results for each of the three criteria in effect, the assessment process and the names of the committee members. This report should briefly explain the efforts taken to ensure a fair and inclusive selection process, thus fostering the support of diversified interns.The strategic clusters must also send in the electronic form, a letter signed by the supervisor of the student specifying the start and end dates of the internship. Any internship application must be filed by the strategic cluster and approved by the FRQNT before the leaving of the trainee. Limited number of applications Each strategic cluster may generally submit up to two applications until the contest deadline. In no case should the total financial assistance of the two candidates exceed the total amount of $ 15,000. This limit can be re-examined and increased at all time until the contest deadline. Each strategic cluster can propose the application one foreign students enrolled outside Québec maximum, so they can pursue their internship within the strategic cluster in Québec The rules are the same for evaluating the candidate, the duration of his or hers internships and the value of the scholarship apply. The application of a foreign student enrolled outside Québec doesn't modify the total limit of two candidates and the total amount of 15 000$ per cluster. Learn more here. |
Merit scholarship program for foreign students (PBEEE) | FRQ-NT (Closed)
Merit scholarship program for foreign students (PBEEE) | Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies (FRQNT)
(Please note this call is now closed) Value: dependent on program stream- please see below. The objective of the Merit Scholarship Programs for Foreign Students (PBEEE) is to support the internationalization of research activities in Québec's institutions of higher education, to attract the best foreign researchers and students, and to promote Québec universities and College Centers for the Transfer of Technologies (CCTT), abroad. Candidates must be preselected by a university, the Réseau Trans-Tech (a CCTT), TERI University, the SRE or CONACYT. There are three streams within the program: Doctoral research, post-doctoral research, or Short-term research or professional development. Universities can recommend four candidates per year for each of these three components. There are no quotas per country. The Réseau Trans-tech can recommend four candidates for Postdoctoral scholarships and Short-term research or professional development scholarships. Doctoral research component Candidates are eligible for doctoral merit program scholarships from MEESR in the first nine sessions of their doctoral studies. All doctoral sessions, funded or unfunded, completed before the scholarship takes effect, are used in calculating the eligibility period. The maximum duration of the scholarship is three years (nine sessions), with a possible extension of up to 12 months, for up to $25,000 (Canadian) per year Postdoctoral component Postdoctoral scholarships are intended for researchers who have obtained their degree no more than two years before the deadline of the competition or who submitted their dissertation by the deadline for the beginning of scholarship use. Postdoctoral research must be conducted in an institution other than the one that granted the Doctorate. The applicant's doctoral supervisors and co-supervisors may not act as his/her postdoctoral supervisor, even if they have changed institutions. The duration of this scholarship is for up to one year, for $35,000 (Canadian). This scholarship is not renewable. Short-term research or professional development component Short-term research or professional development scholarships are intended for technical and university students (option A) or researchers who have completed a doctorate no more than five years before the deadline for the competition (option B). The research or professional development must be conducted in an institution other than the one at which the student was enrolled when he or she applied. The duration of this scholarship is for up to four months, for $3,000 (Canadian) per month. The scholarship is not renewable. Visit the programme website here. |
Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships Program | Government of Canada Tri-Agency Program (Closed)
Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships Program | Government of Canada Tri-Agency Program
Deadline: Please note this call is currently closed, but reopens annually with an autumn deadline Value: $70,000 per year The Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships program provides funding to postdoctoral national and international applicants who will positively contribute to the country’s economic, social and research-based growth. Eligible for application are both Canadian and foreign citizens in three areas of research (Health research, Natural sciences and/or engineering, Social sciences and/or humanities). Eligibility criteria apply to both candidates and host institutions and can be found on the program website. Important:
Visit the website here. |
Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships Program | Government of Canada Tri-Agency Program
Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships Program | Government of Canada Tri-Agency Program
Deadline: depending on nominating institution Value: $50,000 per year for three years during doctoral studies The Vanier CGS program aims to attract and retain world-class doctoral students from Canada and foreign countries by supporting students who demonstrate both leadership skills and a high standard of scholarly achievement in graduate studies in the social sciences and humanities, natural sciences and/or engineering and health. Candidates must be nominated by a Canadian institution with a quota to host Vanier scholars. They should only seek a nomination from the institution at which they want to study. Eligibility criteria apply to both candidates and nominating institutions and can be found on the program website. Visit the website here. |
Internationalization Program for Students (IPS) | Government of Upper Austria
Internationalization Program for Students (IPS) | Government of Upper Austria
Deadline: applications must be submitted before the start of the stay abroad Value: dependent upon destination (upper funding limit per applicant is 1480 EUR incl. travel allowance) The Government of Upper Austria has created the Internationalization Program for Students as a successor programme to the Kepler Internationalization Program. Funding is provided for students and graduates of Upper Austria to complete study visits, courses or internships abroad in non-German speaking countries for a maximum of ten months. Students who have had their main place of resident in Upper Austria for at least one year prior to submitting their application, and who have been admitted to regular studies at Johannes-Kepler-Universität, Fachhochschulen Oberösterreich, Pädagogischen Hochschule Oberösterreich, and Privaten Pädagogischen Hochschule der Diözese Linz or at other universities and colleges in Upper Austria or with a successfully completed diploma or master's degree at the above-mentioned institutions can apply. Program website. |