About RLS-AerospaceThe RLS-Global Aerospace Campus (est. 2016) creates internationally relevant, future-oriented training opportunities for the next generation of aerospace professionals. Three pillars make up this work: a conference series, e-Learning, and joint research. The group creates a connection between academia and industry in all three pillars, ensuring that training elements represent the latest requirements in industry while remaining connected to global developments in research from across the regions.
The Partners
The regional partners include (listed alphabetically by region):
Munich Aerospace e.V. (Bavaria)
Technische Universität München (Bavaria) Bauhaus Luftfahrt (Bavaria) DLR (Bavaria) Ludwig Bölkow Campus GmbH (Bavaria) Universität der Bundeswehr München (Bavaria) Georgia Tech (Georgia) AÉROÉTS (Québec) CIADI (Québec) Concordia University/Université Concordia (Québec) Consortium de recherche et d’innovation en aéronautique au Québec CRIAQ (Québec) Centre Technologique en Aérospatiale CTA (Québec) École Nationale D'Aérotechnique (Québec) ÉTS (Québec) Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies (Québec) IICAP Polytechnique Montréal (Québec) Click on any partner's logo to learn more. |
McGill Institute for Aerospace Engineering MIAE (Québec)
Montréal Aerospace Institutes/Institutes Aérospatiaux de Montréal (Québec) Polytechnique Montréal (Québec) Université Laval Sigma +/Aérospatiale (Québec) Université McGill (Québec) FAPESP (São Paulo) Instituto de Aeronáutica e Espaço (São Paulo) University of Campinas UNICAMP (São Paulo) USP (São Paulo) Shandong Institute of Aerospace Electronic Technology Research (Shandong) Shandong University (Shandong) Biz-Up Upper Austria (Upper Austria) Johannes Kepler Universität Linz (Upper Austria) University of Applied Sciences of Upper Austria (Upper Austria) Stellenbosch University (Western Cape) Interested in joining the Global Aerospace Campus? Get in touch here. |
News and Updates
New Global Aerospace Campus online course: Space Exploration
Modules include:
Credit: Munich Aerospace, 2024
RLS-Sciences Digital Week 2024
Munich New Space Conference 2023
From 15-17 May, Munich Aerospace is hosting the Munich New Space Summit 2023. The conference will explore the topic of "new space" together with representatives of space agencies (ESA, NASA), as well as industry, research, and government. Planned discussions will cover a comprehensive range, including new space strategies at the national and international levels, commercial innovation from the startup to the SME to the big industry level, regulatory and legal aspects, and state-of-the-art research projects.
The conference will take place in person at the Ludwig Bölkow Campus, just south of Munich.
Learn more at the conference website, or view the conference flyer.
Learn more at the conference website, or view the conference flyer.
RLS-Sciences Overall Conference 2022
First international online course launched by the RLS-Global Aerospace Campus
Previous Events and Updates
RLS-Global Aerospace Campus at MTL Connect 2021
RLS-Global Aerospace Campus at the RLS-Sciences Online Conference 2021
Space Safety e-Learning course now open for registrations
Global Aerospace Campus releases teaser trailer for upcoming online course "Urban Air Mobility"
Global Aerospace Campus releases “Digitalisation in Aeronautics and Space” as MOOC
The RLS-Sciences Global Aerospace Campus project aims to strengthen the specialized training of aerospace professionals in the RLS partner regions. This includes in-person components, such as the Global Aerospace Summits, and virtual components, such as the eLearning course on digitalisation and aeronautics. Now, in an expansion of the virtual training, the first Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) from the Global Aerospace Campus has been released.
The course, “Digitalisation in Aeronautics and Space” went live on Monday, 14 September 2020. |
View the course here.
Forum Munich Aerospace lecture with Prof. Klaus Schilling on mini-satellites
Global Aerospace Campus on YouTube
As part of the online learning opportunities developed by the Global Aerospace Campus, the project has a dedicated YouTube playlist on lead partner Munich Aerospace's YouTube channel. The Global Aerospace Campus playlist includes a welcome video from Bavaria’s Minister for Digital Affairs, Judith Gerlach for the inaugural Global Aerospace Campus eLearning course , as well as short videos on a variety of key questions relating to the theme of the first eLearning course, ‘’Digitalisation in Aeronautics and Space’’.
The channel also includes full lectures from the Forum Munich Aerospace, including the inaugural lecture by Prof. Xioxiang Zhu, German Aerospace Center and the Technical University of Munich, on AI and Earth observation. Forum Munich Aerospace is a joint lecture series by the Technical University of Munich, Munich Aerospace, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt and the Royal Aeronautical Society.
View the Global Aerospace Campus playlist here. Register for the eLearning course, ''Digitalisation in Aeronautics and Space'' here. |
Global Aerospace Campus launches first eLearning course:
Global Aerospace Campus group at the RLS-Sciences Conference 2019
Munich Aerospace Summer School 2019
Global Aerospace Campus presentation at the 9th RLS Conference
On Friday, 18 May, 2018 , Prof. Dr. Hany Moustapha presented on the topic of aerospace training to the Regional Leaders Summit Conference at the Château Frontenac in Québec. This was part of the RLS-Sciences presentation segment of the conference. The presentation covered the developments of the Global Aerospace Campus project since its launch in 2016, as well as updates on the activities from the week prior where RLS researchers and students met for the second Global Aerospace Campus Summer Summit.
Review the Global Aerospace Campus presentation here. |
Second Global Aerospace Campus Summer Summit 2018
Experts from across the RLS regions offered insights into specialities such as hybrid electric propulsion, advanced and additive manufacturing, structural dynamics, unmanned demonstrators for technology evaluation, and others. A panel discussion addressed the question of which engineering skills will be most important for Industry 4.0.
Students, industry participants, and researchers also took advantage of Québec’s aerospace research and training ecosystem to undertake site visits to both the École nationale d’aérotechnique (ÉNA), which is a leader in technical training in aerospace technology, and the Centre technologique en aérospatiale (CTA), a college technology transfer centre. Review the programme here. |
Global Aerospace Campus launches own websiteGlobal Aerospace Campus has launched their own website! The new webpage includes an overview of the virtual campus, details about the network's activities, and planned developments in the Global Aerospace Campus project. Additional information about partners and courses can also be found on the website. Additionally, lead partners Munich Aerospace have produced an informational video about the project. Congratulations to the project for this development!
Visit the website here. View the video here. |
Munich Aerospace Summer Summit 2017
RLS-Global Aerospace Campus presentation at the 8th RLS ConferenceOn Friday, 15 July, 2016 , Prof. Dr. Klaus Drechsler, the Bavarian coordinator of the RLS-Global Aerospace Campus project, presented the first results of the project and the future plans for collaboration to the Regional Leaders Summit Conference at the Residenz in Munich. This was part of the RLS-Sciences presentation segment of the conference. Bavarian State Secretary for the Ministry of Economy and Media, Energy and Technology, Franz Josef Pschierer gave the welcoming address. Québec Minister for Economy, Science and Innovation and Minister Responsible for the Digital Strategy Dominique Anglade gave the closing remarks. Read more here (English) and here (Deutsch).
Review the RLS-Global Aerospace Campus presentation here. |
Campus Aerospace Tour and Brainstorming at Ludwig-Bölkow Campus
Following the success of the Munich Aerospace Summer School 2016 on "Autonomous Flight", the Campus Aerospace group met at the Ludwig-Bölkow Campus in Ottobrunn for a tour of the facilities on site. The group then had a networking lunch, followed by a productive brainstorming session on how to develop future learning programmes for the next generation of aerospace researchers across the RLS regions. Read more here (English) and here (Deutsch).
Munich Aerospace Summer School 2016 a successThe Munich Aerospace Summer School 2016 was held in Herrsching, Bavaria, from 22 June to 24 June. This year's theme was "Autonomous Flight". For the first time, PhD candidates from across the RLS regions participated, for a total of nine RLS-Sciences participants. Read more about the Summer School here, or review the programme here.
![]() RLS-Sciences Participants at the Munich Aerospace Summer School 2016. From left to right: Bernd Kolar (Upper Austria), Aldo André Diaz Salazar (São Paulo), Paola Gonzalez Ramos (São Paulo), Wang Shu (Shandong), Jean-Sébastien Dick(Québec), Mingshan Chi (Shandong), and Ugo Chouinard (Québec). Not pictured: Greg Busch (Georgia), Jason Corman (Georgia). (Photo Credit: Aldo André Diaz Salazar).
CRIAQ announces 8th Research Forum
In collaboration with the Consortium for Aerospace Research and Innovation in Canada (CARIC), CRIAQ hosted its 8th Research Forum on 27th April, 2016, in Montréal. The forum was designed to bring together the entire aerospace community to engage in an open innovation process. Leaders of the aerospace industry and researchers affiliated with universities, colleges and research centres from across Canada and around the world were invited to take part, with the goal of creating collaborative research and development projects. The Research Forum also invited industrial players to enhance the conversation with their own project ideas, and hosted "forward-looking" workshops to capture the impact of R&D on technological changes in the industry, plus discuss aerospace areas of importance with members of the community.
Learn more here. |
Munich Aerospace at the Munich Satellite Navigation Summit
From 1 to 3 March, the Munich Satellite Navigation Summit was held in Munich at the historical Munich Residenz. The summit addressed satellite navigation now and in the future. With high-ranking worldwide speakers from industry, science, and governments, the convention provided participants with a broad overview and different perspectives on the latest developments in the field of GNSS. The Summit is part of the efforts of the Bavarian government and the cluster on aerospace and satellite navigation to stimulate applications and services in this high-tech field.
Learn more here. |